Financial Planning and Taxes
Hatching Your Retirement Nest Egg Plan For The Future

Hatching Your Retirement Nest Egg Plan For The Future

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retirement nest egg

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, and Humpty Dumpty had a massively great fall? Why? Because he did not have a safety net to save him from breaking his egg. And if you, too, like Mr. Dumpty, do not have a safety net for the retirement years to come, then you are just edging slowly towards falling!

That’s why saving for retirement is essential for everyone, irrespective of age or occupation. So the critical question remains, where and how do you start?

Let’s zoom in on what you need to know about retirement nest eggs and come up with the calculations so your bank does not break, and neither do you!

Why saving for retirement is vital?

Saving for the golden years is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a financial safety net during retirement, when you are not looking to grind but sit back and relax.

Secondly, when income decreases significantly during retirement, having a nest egg plan can help you maintain a standard of living and cover your expenses, especially if you are in assisted living or memory care.

Most of all, the cost of living will continue to increase, and having a retirement nest egg can help you survive and keep up with inflation.

How about reading the following articles? We think you might find them helpful!

The retirement nest egg plans you need

When it comes to retirement nest egg plans, there are several different options available. There are many popular routes like an employer-sponsored retirement plan or a pension plan even. Let us zoom in to see what the options are and if they can be helpful for you!

Employer-Sponsored retirement plans

One of the most widespread retirement plans is the ’employer-sponsored retirement plan’ 401(k) (this is a pre-tax option where you receive the money into your retirement account before it is taxed) or a pension plan. These types of programs allow you to contribute a relative portion of your income toward your retirement savings. Under this plan, an employer may also contribute to your goal – if it is part of their company policy! Taking advantage of these plans is essential if your employer offers them. Generally, global conglomerates of large corporations can provide this extra support.

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)

Another popular retirement plan option is an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). IRAs are tax-beneficial accounts that allow you to make tax-deductible contributions and grow your savings tax-free. There are two types of IRAs. One is the traditional IRA, and the other is known as Roth IRA. Traditional IRAs allow you to subtract contributions from your income tax return, while Roth IRAs allow you to withdraw contributions tax-free during retirement.


An annuity is a product. It is a financial product that offers a guaranteed income stream during retirement. You can purchase an annuity with a substantial sum of money or make regular contributions over time. In addition, annuities or ‘grants’ can provide a fixed income stream or an income stream that adjusts with inflation.

Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance policies can be smartly utilized during a retirement plan. There are some life insurance policies that allow seniors to accumulate cash value, which can then be used during retirement. The cash value can be accessed tax-free and can provide a sufficient source of income during retirement.

Real estate investments

Investing in real estate can be another way to build your retirement nest egg. The best thing about real estate, which makes it a significant investment, is that land is limited, so its value will keep growing. Whether land or property, real estate investments can provide rental income during retirement and appreciate in value over time. Real estate investments can be a good decision for those content with managing rental properties.

2 Unique retirement plan Ideas

Self-Directed IRA

A self-directed IRA is an alternative retirement plan that allows you to invest in a wide range of assets, including real estate and private equity. A self-directed IRA will give you more control over your investments and ensure earnings higher returns. However, it’s important to note that self-directed IRAs can be riskier than traditional retirement plans, and it’s essential to conduct research and check with a financial advisor before investing.

Precious metals investment

This is the gold mine of investments; precious metals. Gold, silver, platinum, and palladium have intricate value as industrial metals and high-value commodities. You can invest in precious metal bullion like gold bars or coins and stock them until retirement. The benefit of precious metals, especially gold, and platinum, is that they hold their value for an extended period. Gold prices will keep soaring, and if you make the smart choice and invest in these precious metal bullions, your return on investment will also be.

The nest egg retirement calculator

One of the most critical steps in crafting the retirement plan is estimating how much money is needed to live comfortably in your retirement years. The Nest Egg Retirement Calculator is a tool that can help you understand how much money is needed to be saved to reach your retirement goals.

To use the Nest Egg Retirement Calculator, some basic information is required regarding your current financial situation, such as your current age, annual income, current retirement savings, and the age at which you plan to retire. The calculator will use the respective information to determine how much money you’ll require to save to achieve your retirement goals.

Important factors to know beforehand

  1. Determine your retirement age first. It would be best to decide when you want to retire.
  2. Estimate your life expectancy. You can use a life expectancy calculator or make an estimate to find out how long you may live.
  3. Consider your retirement expenses and approximately how much you will need to spend each year, including housing, food, healthcare, and other costs.
  4. Calculate your retirement income. Add up all of your overall sources of retirement income, pensions, Social Security, and investments (if any).
  5. Make a retirement savings goa. We will come to the retirement nest egg calculator soon. Take your retirement expenses and subtract your retirement income (or the money you will have then) to determine the amount of money needed to be saved.
  6. And finally, think about how much you need to save each month. Then, divide your retirement savings goal by the number of years until retirement to see how much you need to save each month.

Calculate your retirement nest egg

Let’s take a look at how much money a person will need to save and meet their retirement goals using the ‘retirement nest egg calculator.’

Determine how much you need to save: Subtract your retirement savings from your desired nest egg. In this case, $500,000 – $200,000 = $300,000.

Calculate the monthly savings needed: Divide the total amount needed to save by the number of months you have until retirement. In this case, $300,000 ÷ 180 months (15 years x 12 months) = $1,666.67 per month.

In order to save $500,000 for retirement, with the given assumptions, you would need to save approximately $1,666.67 per month for the next 15 years.

How to go the extra mile to grow your nest egg?

Cut out unnecessary expenses

Older adults can save extra money for retirement by cutting out unnecessary expenses. This means looking closely at monthly bills and subscriptions, such as cable TV, gym memberships, or streaming services, and canceling those that are not essential. This can free up extra money to be redirected toward retirement savings.

Consider downsizing

As you get older, you may require less space than you did before. Downsizing to a smaller apartment, for example, can help reduce your living expenses, including mortgage or rent, utilities, and maintenance costs. This can free up more money to add to your retirement savings.

Rent out a spare room

If you happen to have, let’s say, some space in your home, consider renting out a spare room on a platform like Airbnb. This can generate additional income that you can add to your retirement savings. At the same time, you can meet new people and learn about different cultures.

Final thoughts

Building a retirement nest egg takes time, patience, and, most importantly, a prayer that the economic situation does not worsen! So don’t wait, and do not worry; your retirement nest egg won’t meet the same fate as Humpty Dumpty.

Start hatching your retirement nest egg plan now and live the comfortable retirement life you have or will dream about soon! How about reading the following relevant articles? You might find them helpful!


What is a good retirement nest egg?

A good retirement nest egg varies from person to person. Numerous factors can influence how much you can save for retirement. For example, nursing homes are generally more expensive than other care types. Therefore, having at least $500,000 in the bank is best.

Why save for retirement when you’re going to be old anyway?

It is ideal to have a solid financial safety net to fall back on if things go south! During old age, when seniors retire, they are not working anymore. That’s what retirement entails. But living expenses have to be met, and more importantly, seniors are prone to more medical problems the older they get, and healthcare can be expensive.

If your retirement plan failed, what would you do?

Always establish a backup plan in case the first one fails. As that old saying goes, never put your eggs in one basket. So, it is essential to have several nest egg retirement plans in place. Wise investments will never go wrong. But if all your plans fail, there are other ways, like Medicare and Medicaid, to cover retirement costs or other forms of payments.

How much should people be investing for retirement?

Investments come in different forms. It can be either real estate or the precious commodities market. It depends on how much a person can afford to invest, so your long-term return can be substantial and viable enough to carry you for the duration of retirement. Start with little investments of $20,000 per year or more, and watch your returns grow.

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