Senior Living
Care Homes For Aggressive Dementia Patients and Why It’s Important

Care Homes For Aggressive Dementia Patients and Why It’s Important

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care homes for aggressive dementia patients

Aggression in a patient with dementia can flare up without warning. As dementia progresses, the patient may start to behave verbally and/or physically aggressively.

Psychiatric disorders may affect the habits and personality of the person. These changes in behavior or emotional state can be frustrating for the patient and the people around them, including families and caregivers. It can be hard to cope with since it is very unpredictable.

So, it is essential to diagnose the reasons that might be causing it and address them accordingly. This can help to reduce these behaviors or make them easier to manage.

An idea of why dementia patients become aggressive

There may not be an obvious cause, but there are triggers you can spot before or during an outburst of anger. Understanding the behavior’s causes can help you find ways to minimize or respond to changes in behavior.

Picture a scene where simple tasks like getting dressed or eating a meal become sources of frustration and agitation. This frustration can escalate into aggression as patients struggle to make sense of their surroundings.

Common signs of aggression include:

  1. Health issues: Physical changes in the brain, impaired vision or hearing causing hallucinations, night-time waking, misinterpretation of sights and sounds.
  2. Discomfort: Discomfort from lack of sleep or bad sleep schedule, side effects from medication, or pain that they can’t describe.
  3. Misunderstanding: A sense of being out of control, confusion with how others are behaving, or a feeling that they’re not being listened to or understood, causing bewilderment and distress.
  4. Fear: Afraid of being unable to recognize certain places/people or maybe recalling a past life bad experience or being uncomfortable remembering, resulting in restlessness and fidgeting.
  5. Frustration: Overwhelmed from being asked too many questions at once, not being able to complete a particular task, trying to understand complex instructions, or feeling the stress of caregivers.

Understanding these underlying causes can help us respond to aggressive behavior with empathy and compassion, providing support and comfort to those navigating the vast landscape of dementia. Dementia Society of America has vast resource of information regarding the all forms of symptoms associated with dementia.

How to respond to aggressive dementia patients?

Taking care of and handling a patient with dementia requires patience, empathy, and understanding. Remember, their behavior stems from the disease affecting their cognitive abilities, and it’s not a personal attack on you. Patience and support can make a world of difference in their quality of life.

  • Once you have an idea of what might be behind the aggression, you can step in to prevent it.
  • Minimize or mitigate possible causes of stress.
  • Try to maintain a consistent routine.
  • Keep the environment consistent and minimize changes.
  • Avoid overstimulating environments, such crowds or background noise.
  • Communicate in a way that matches the person’s abilities to understand and respond.
  • Avoid confrontation, try distractions, or suggest a different activity, like playing calming games.
  • Encourage regular exercise and music therapy.
  • Maximize feelings of comfort and safety.

Every dementia patient reacts to circumstances in their own way. Some aggression may still occur despite your best efforts.

No one plan is likely always to work. If one plan doesn’t work, try another one. If nothing seems to work, immediately report to a doctor or counselor for advice and consider emergency care.

What to consider while choosing care homes for aggressive dementia patients?

Dementia patients suffering from aggression require a structured environment that has personalized care and access to medical services with 24/7 supervision. It can help ease their family’s stress, knowing their loved one is safe.

Care homes offer a specialized environment uniquely equipped to address the complex and personalized needs of individuals grappling with the challenges of dementia. However, researching local dementia care homes can be a daunting task.

Always look for the following factors while selecting a care home for your loved one:

  • Specialized resident-centered care
  • Staff training
  • Safety and security measures
  • Activities and engagement
  • 24/7 Medical support
  • Effective communication and transition planning
  • Reviews and references

There is a widespread variation in dementia care for elderly people depending on their needs and requirements. However, if your loved one is prone to wandering or aggression in the later stages of dementia, consider opting for urgent placement in-home care to ensure your loved one is looked after efficiently.

To understand the concept of home care for dementia patients in detail, have a look at our article on Dementia home care: Meaning & Importance.

nursing homes for aggressive dementia patients

7 Nursing homes for aggressive dementia patients

Nursing homes provide a controlled environment and are equipped to handle patients with advanced dementia and challenging behaviors. They have specialized facilities for aggressive dementia patients that include staff trained in managing challenging behaviors and providing appropriate support, along with routines and activities designed to engage and stimulate both the physical and mental health of the patients.

  1. Emerald Place – Glenview, IL

  2. Aegis Living Queen Anne Rodgers Park – Seattle, WA

  3. Signature Senior Living – Brooklyn, NY

  4. Arden Courts Of West Orange – West Orange, NJ

  5. Atria Westchase – Houston, TX

  6. Baptist Health Care Center – Bismarck, ND

  7. Montage Hills – Denver, CO

memory care for aggressive patients

Memory care for aggressive patients: Top 5 facilities 

Memory care may be a good fit for dementia patients who have aggression and anger. These facilities have staff specially trained in dementia care who can help manage aggression and keep resident’s calm.

Some recommended memory care facilities for combative dementia patients are mentioned for you as follows:

  1. Palm Bay Memory Care – Palm Bay, FL

  2. Avalon Memory Care Allencrest – Dallas, TX

  3. Silverado Beverly Place Memory Care Community – Los Angeles, CA

  4. Standish Village And Compass Memory Support Community – Boston-Dorchester, MA

  5. St. Joseph Village Of Chicago – Chicago, IL

Final thoughts

As dementia progresses, people often lose their ability to communicate in direct ways and may feel confused or disoriented. These can be just as challenging for the person as for those supporting them.

It’s completely fine to feel overwhelmed by this dramatic shift because it’s not easy to care for and live with a person with dementia, especially when they have aggressive behaviors. If you are a caregiver, do yourself and the person you care for a favor. Seek out help if you start to feel depressed, anxious, exhausted, or irritable. Take good care of yourself to take better care of others!


Where do you put dementia patients with aggressive behavior?

Look for specialized memory care facilities (it may also include dementia villages) that are known to handle dementia cases that exhibit aggressive behavior. Assisted living facilities are known for handling seniors with dementia cases. So, in the case of a parent or aged loved one showing signs of aggression, look for specialized care homes that are equipped to handle seniors with later stages of dementia.

At what stage of dementia does aggression occur?

Aggression and anger most likely develop in the middle to later stages of most types of dementia. A person may develop behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) and may start to behave differently, like wandering hoarding, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

How do you deal with an angry person with dementia?

To deal with an angry patient with dementia, you should consider:

  • Adjusting tone with a calming effect.
  • Diverting attention with an activity they enjoy.
  • Using simple, clear communication.
  • Responding and validating emotion.

Can someone with dementia be forced into a care home?

Yes. They cannot be left alone if they are no longer capable of taking care of themselves on their own. It becomes a matter of safety and health. Some might have family members for their care, but professional care should be arranged immediately as the situation declines. And for that, care homes are the way to go.

How do you handle a combative resident in a nursing home?

When dealing with a combative older adult in a nursing home, put everyone’s safety first. Try to defuse the situation by speaking gently and reassuringly while maintaining your calm. If more staff are needed, enlist them for help and consider diverting the residents’ focus to a relaxing activity.

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