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10 Amazing Gifts You Can Buy for Alzheimer’s Patients

10 Amazing Gifts You Can Buy for Alzheimer’s Patients

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gifts for alzheimers patients

Most often, buying gifts comes with a price tag. There is one gift; however, that is both timeless and priceless; a memory. We cherish our time, moments, and experiences in that timeless memory bubble and can look into them anytime.

But while the gift of memory is invaluable, it comes down hard on senior Alzheimer’s patients, struggling to hold on to a sliver of past recollection.

That’s why BoomersHub is here with a list of the best gift ideas for Alzheimer’s patients and how you can find them.

What to look for before buying gifts for Alzheimer’s patients

  • Look for things they can do now. Seniors diagnosed with Alzheimer’s sometimes experience confusion, leading to an agitated, anxious state. Things they used to enjoy before may not be what they like now.
  • Dementia varies from person to person. There are different stages of dementia, or Alzheimer’s that can vary. In other words, their interests or memories can change. So ask a caregiver, friend, or family member for an appropriate gift.
  • Sympathizing their current state By trying to understand what their life is like, it can help you decide what to buy as a meaningful and helpful gift. Gifts like arts and crafts are common and a great idea as every Alzheimer’s patient can enjoy them, irrespective of their stage.
  • Consider Simplicity for Stimulation. If you are thinking of buying puzzles or board games for a dear one with Alzheimer’s or dementia, find something that is simple but can be highly stimulating. Some board games or puzzles may be too complicated and make the seniors agitated, considering their stage. On the other hand, everyone can enjoy many dementia-friendly group games and activities without a fun situation turning bad. For ideas on brain stimulating activities for seniors, read here.
  • Gifts that can be enjoyed by everyone As there are different stages of Alzheimer’s think about buying something like a music player. It has been found that music positively impacts patients who have dementia, whichever stage they are in.
  • Safe, Secure Gifts You can find gifts that are very enjoyable for an activity or gathering, but consider going for ones that are safe to use, as the people who will engage with such gifts have Alzheimer’s disease. Certain situations may lead a dementia patient to react in anger or with agitation. So considered buying gifts that will not cause harm in such situations.

How to choose gifts for Alzheimer’s patients

Finding the right gift can be a hassle, regardless of the person. So many questions come to mind, like if the gift is safe, will it last, what price tag (often a concern), will they like it, and so on. Presents are great if you can pick the right one.

For someone who has Alzheimer’s, it can be even harder to find the right gift, especially considering how recollecting their favorite memories and life events are more challenging in that stage.

Luckily, we are here to give you an idea of finding the best gifts for Alzheimer’s patients.

Aids for Daily Living (ADL)

When looking for gifts for patients with Alzheimer’s, it is best to choose gifts that will aid their activities in everyday life. Items that make their life easier and provide a sense of independence simultaneously. Gifts under ADLs (Aids for Daily Living) can range from products that help patients remember to take their medicine to an item that can help them find objects. These gifts are safe and support the patient and the caregiver.

Stimulating and fun

While ADLs make for great gifts, find something that can be stimulating to senior patients. The very purpose of gifts should be to enjoy. For example, recycled paper cards with photos or patterns make great gifts. Stimulating gifts are not only fun, but they help improve the cognitive senses as well as provide physical activity. Board games, puzzles, or stuffed toys can be found in general stores and enhance the quality of life, but may also slow the progression of Alzheimer’s.

Thoughtful gifts

Find gifts depending on the stage of Alzheimer’s your senior patient or loved one is in. Because by that stage, what matters is the thought. Meaningful gifts like bathrobes, blankets, shawls, pajamas, or busy boxes can not only comfort but also help stimulate the sense. So make a list of what thoughtful gifts can be. They can be voice-activated smart speakers to something as simple as non-slip bathroom mats.

Ten gifts for Alzheimer’s patients

Good gifts for Alzheimer’s patients are not hard to find. But great presents that are not only thoughtful but will help improve quality of life, including providing some level of assistance, now those are selective. Below are ten ideal gifts you can buy for your dear ones with Alzheimer’s.

1. Photobook

Photobooks can be the best gateway to a forgotten or hidden memory. Photobooks will come out on top when considering Alzheimer’s gifts for patients. Making a photobook ensures that important moments, people, and even a family tree are recorded in the form of a photograph.

2. Large print clock

If you are looking for gifts for early Alzheimer’s patients, then large print clocks can help to remind you of the day, time, and date.

3. Voice assistant devices

Voice-activated devices like Amazon’s Echo make great gifts for Alzheimer’s patients for their essential functions. These gadgets have smart functionalities like automated music, emergency contact calls, and much more.

4. Puzzles

These are not only good at keeping senior patients engaged but help improve cognitive functions. Gifts like the ’35 Piece Bathing Birds Puzzle’ are very popular among senior patients with dementia, and you can get them at a slight discount from Amazon!

5. Synthetic pets

The real ones can be good, but who has the time? Synthetic pets can be unique gifts for Alzheimer’s patients because they give off the feel of a real pet animal. They are not only breathable and made with fully synthetic fur, but these robotic pets are the craze among seniors at the moment and make great Christmas gifts for Alzheimer’s patients under $150.

6. Scented items

Aromatherapy is known to calm and reduce stress. This is beneficial for senior patients with dementia. Scented items like candles or essential oil are thoughtful gifts for Alzheimer’s patients in nursing homes because they can provide a calming effect in a new environment.

7. Comfortable textured fabrics

Pajamas, bathrobes, and even folding towels are great sensory boosters, especially for Alzheimer’s or dementia patients. They provide ideal comfort, are affordable, and make great gifts.

8. Therapy dolls

Dolls or stuffed animal toys help Alzheimer’s patients be comfortable. In addition, simply holding or hugging provides a sense of comfort.

9. Therapy dough

Think of play-dough just for adults and exclusively for dementia patients. They are colorful and increase awareness and engagement while reducing tension and stress.

10. Non-slip bathmats

Only some gifts have to be colorful and fun, like puzzles. Sometimes, the best gifts for Alzheimer’s patients can be something that is safe. Risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s disease can be costly for a dear one. For example, non-slip shower mats are a great idea for seniors with Alzheimer’s because they are comfortable and reduce accidents in the bathroom.

Final Thoughts

If you are going to buy gifts for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, remember they are about creating a connection. These gifts are a bridge that can connect an Alzheimer’s patient to a sense of happiness or stimulation. Anything that can help the patients latch on to a feeling that is evocative of a certain memory is more than enough.

At the same time, gifts can also be in the form of activities, where you can spend time with them. So if you are looking for ways to spend time with someone with dementia symptoms, here is a great list of fun, free activities.

If you are looking to read more about Alzheimer’s and understand it, then read our article on breaking the stigma about the mental disease.


Where in Birmingham to buy gifts for Alzheimer’s patients?

Many stores around Birmingham, Alabama, sell gifts relatable to Alzheimer’s patients. Gifts that are closely related to Alzheimer’s patients may be found in stores near or around in the vicinity of centers or organizations that deal with dementia related diseases.

What do you give your mom with Alzheimer’s?

Consider buying gifts that are simple and considerate. Gifts like flowers, beauty sets, puzzles, and memory picture phones are not just essential but can bridge a better connection. Even buying your mother a gift like a cozy bathrobe can go a long way, as it is considerate and helps with stimulation through the sense of touch.

Which gadget is important for a person with Alzheimer’s?

The most essential of the many gadgets that can assist an Alzheimer’s patient is a smart speaker. An intelligent voice-activated assistant like the Amazon Echo can help Alzheimer’s patients by reminding them about their medicine or calling an emergency number. It can also store their favorite music, read the news, and other relevant services.

What can help someone with Alzheimer’s?

Establishing a proper schedule can go a long way for the caregiver and the patient. As a caregiver, it is best to be educated on the mental condition before anything else. It helps me be better equipped to deal with an Alzheimer’s patient.

What is a busy box for dementia patients?

These boxes help keep the patients engaged in an activity. How it helps is that busy boxes contain many items that help improve a patient’s cognitive and physical functions. It also aids in holding the patient’s attention so they do not wander, become agitated, or, worse, angry.

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